富贵终下厨,炒了一盘炒饭!三子试吃炒饭,赞叹不已,要拜富贵为师,反遭富贵拒绝。富贵开出收徒条件,除非能炒出指定水准的炒饭,不然免谈!三子为了炒饭又发生争执,向来味觉迟钝的浩伦更因为自卑,恼羞成怒,与两个好友陷入冷战! 浩伦为了赚钱养家,以旁门左道方式卖秘方,企图谋取利益;结果一再遭到羞辱,变得意志消沉,但他却还在泰龙和欧文面前嘴硬。。。
Episode 3
The trio finally gets Fugui to cook a plate of fried rice. After eating it, the trio wants him to teach them but he refuses. He states his terms: they have to cook a plate of fried rice of certain standard or there will be no room for negotiation. The trio argues over their fried rice. Hao Lun feels inferior to the other two and resorts to underhand means to sell the recipe for money. His buyers are not fooled and the ridicule he endures makes him depressed. He refuses to go to Owen and Tai Long for help.
正当美薇兴致勃勃要和三子一起向富贵学厨艺时,却被富贵拒于门外!理由是健旺曾说过,曾家在富贵以后,不准任何人再当厨师! 但美薇告诉三子,事情本来不是这样的。以前的健旺,是以卖云吞面为生,他一心希望美薇能成为好像富贵一样的大厨,直到发生了一些事后,一切才起了变化!
Episode 4
Mei Wei wants to join the trio and learn but is fiercely rejected by Fu Gui. Jian Wang once said that no one else in the Zeng family can become a chef after Fu Gui’s misfortune. Jian Wang sold wanton noodles in the past. Last time, he hoped that Mei Wei would become as good a cook as her father but after an unfortunate accident, he changed his mind.
泰虎揭发泰龙就是富贵‘仇人’何廷风之子一事! 富贵震惊,拒绝教授厨艺于仇人之子;泰龙无奈,惟有离开小吃店,让富贵留下,继续传授其他人厨艺。美薇因曾家与何家的过节,暗里以厨艺与泰龙较劲,想证明自己,讨富贵欢心。但泰龙并不在意,反而担心着大家在小吃店学习的情况,并与浩伦保持联系,关心着大家的学习进度和状况。
Episode 5
Tai Hu exposes the fact that Tai Long is the son of Fu Gui’s enemy, He Ting Feng. Fu Gui is in shock and refuses to teach Tai Long. Tai Long has no choice but to leave the eatery and let the rest learn from Fu Gui. Using the animosity between Zeng and He Family to her advantage, Mei Wei pitted her cooking skills against Tai Long to try and impress Fu Gui. Tai Long did not seem to mind and worries about his friends’ progression in the eatery. He keeps himself updated with their progress by keeping in contact with Hao Lun.