
  为了保住小吃店,富贵终打算出手迎战泰虎派来的厨师,怎知泰虎竟在这时,翻出了富贵当年的丑闻,令富贵众叛亲离!美薇发现父亲原来一直欺瞒自己,阻止自己当厨师的真正原因后,对富贵失望不已… …

  本来喜洋洋的一家小吃店,因为厨师们锋芒毕露,遭人‘毒手’陷入了愁云惨雾中,他们要如何重新振作?如何再次燃烧起心中对追求美味的义无反顾呢?没有了味觉的泰龙,就真的再也煮不出美味吗?最疼惜妹妹的浩伦被妹妹出卖… 还在等待母亲回家的欧文昏迷在床… 美薇崇拜的父亲原来是个害人死的厨师…





  Episode 1

  Tai Long, Owen and Hao Lun goes to a small Nanyang Eatery to eat their signature Laksa, in a bid to earn the million-dollar Laksa recipe. Tai Long has a gift that allows him to see the different ingredients in each dish. He manages to ‘see’ the secret of the Laksa and the lady boss, Yueniang, agrees to take him in and teach him the secret behind their signature Laksa. Unfortunately, Yueniang passes away before she could share her recipe.



  Episode 2

  Chef Zeng Fu Gui goes to Nanyang Eatery to make a fool of the trio but did not hand over the secret recipe. They cannot take it lying down and force Fu Gui to cook to prove that he is really a chef. Mei Wei comes to his rescue and shows off her cooking skills. The trio asked her for help to cook Laksa for Xiaorong.

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