
猪仔馆人家电视剧大结局,猪仔馆人家分集介绍,TheQuarters,The Quarters

电视剧猪仔馆人家/The Quarters剧情介绍:第1集剧情


  Bai Du Chang owns The Quarters. He has three grandsons, Jin Chuan, Jin Feng and Jin Hai. Among the three, he favors the intellectually-handicapped Jin Chuan most, and often reprimands the sensible child, Jin Hai. Bai Du Chang wants Lian Hua to marry Jin Chuan so that she can take care of Jin Chuan. However, Lian Hua hopes that Jin Feng can take her away. Jin Feng refuses, and Lian Hua hangs herself on the day of the wedding.

电视剧猪仔馆人家/The Quarters剧情介绍:第2集剧情


  Bai Du Chang and Hong Da Zui tries to push the responsibility of Lian Hua's funeral rites to each other. They decide to keep everything simple to save cost. Jin Chuan spends a night at the Guan Yin temple. He awakes to find the pregnant Shi Jin Chun, and mistakes her for the goddess Guan Yin.

电视剧猪仔馆人家/The Quarters剧情介绍:第3集剧情


  Jin Hai and Shi San Gong discusses Jin Chuan's and Jin Chun's marriage. Shi San Gong frankly discloses that Jin Chun was once in love with young master Guan, and has his baby, but was rejected by his father. Jin Hai admits that his brother Jin Chuan is also not perfect, and will not harp on Jin Chun's past. Both parties come to an agreement.


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