Simon is furious, its what the audience are expecting – once again its up to Jack to save the day and bring the two leading actors together. Will he succeed? Hes already done a good of alienating himself from the rest of the gang as a result of his new rule - no drinking whilst on duty. Will Jack be the shortest GM in Babylons history ?
Northern based, slightly out of touch, chat show host, Eddie Palmer stays in Babylon and asks Tony if he’ll get him some company. On a warning from Jack to keep prostitute action to a discreet minimum, Tony is loathed to help Palmer, especially as Palmer insists on using one of his regular contacts. Theres nothing for Tony to do apart from escort Mei – a young looking, Chinese woman to Palmers room – Tony doesnt see her minder who takes a seat in the bar. Emily informs Tony, shes organised him to be interviewed for an article about, ‘who knows London best’ its good publicity for the hotel. However, as the Journalist arrives, Tony is called away by an urgent phone call from Palmer. Tony arrives at Palmers room to find Mei has disappeared – she bit Palmer, refusing to go through with his sexual needs – even Tony can see hes after quite a ‘specialist’ service. Theres tension between the two men when Tony refuses to get Palmer another girl.
一名渐为人所熟悉的心灵治疗家和传道人Jonah与其忠心助手Nathan来到「星级酒店」,而与此同时,小镇姑娘 Caroline亦入住酒店。原来Caroline是Nathan找来的一名女演员,希望令Jonah明白他声称的医术及假借神的名义以赚取金钱的行为是不正确的。在Jonah的房间内,Caroline依Nathan的计划,要求Jonah退回她「母亲」所给予Jonah的钱,但Jonah拒绝。突然,一名手持枪械的男子Martin来到,并要致Jonah于死地!原来Martin真正是Jonah的「顾客」,因儿子患上癌症向Jonah求助,Jonah收取了他的金钱,告诉他神会拯救他的儿子,并着他不用进药。最终,Martin的儿子死了,他便来找Jonah报复,要他一命填一命!