Robert Kane - a seemingly high flying businessman - proposes to his girlfriend Lisa in the restaurant. Initially, she seems delighted; until she learns he lost his job six months previously and his money is running out. Lisa dumps Robert and Charlie saves him from throwing himself off the balcony in despair. The next day, Robert asks Charlie for the vacant position of bellboy. Charlie agrees and makes a bet with Tony that he will last a week. Things start off well but slowly deteriorate as it becomes clear Robert is in denial about his split with Lisa. The situation reaches a head when Robert sees Lisa check in with her new man. He storms into their room and Charlie has no option but to fire him. Charlie is shocked to later discover Robert holding Rebeccas friend Estelle hostage. He manages to resolve the situation and Robert is led away by the police. Tony and Charlie feel it only right to give the wager from their bet to charity - ₤1.
Carrie曾是一名店铺助理,但如今已成为真人骚的名人,并来到「星级酒店」中入住。但员工Gino却抵挡不住诱惑,潜入了Carrie的房间,欲一窥偶像的真面目,但却想不到,她在房内竟跟Luke撞个正着。原来Luke偷了Carrie与电视主持Marcus的亲密照片,欲广发给传媒。最终此事成为城中新闻话题,Gino竟向Rebecca自首说出此事,但想不到,Rebecca竟重轻法落,保留不辞退 Gino,引起整间酒店员工的反感。
一名著名的小说家Francis Levington入住「星级酒店」,立即引来Jackie的注意,Jackie常常借故「亲近」这名偶像,更大胆至亲吻她,但此事让Charlie看在眼里。
Former shop assistant turned reality show celebrity Carrie Cottan is the object of Ginos desires. Carrie is famous for having an affair with a TV presenter and is enjoying her 15 minutes of fame. Gino finds he is unable to resist exploring Carriees room but is surprised when Luke appears. Revealing his true colours, Luke tells Gino he is stealing some explicit photos of Carrie and Marcus to sell to the press. Carrie is distraught to discover the photos have been taken. Eaten up with guilt, Gino tells Rebecca the truth - fully expecting to get the sack. In the end, Rebecca lets Gino keep his job but sacks Luke. Tony is disappointed in Luke and Charlie punches him. Carrie learns that all publicity is good publicity and gets a fabulous underwear contract as a result of her photos making the front page of The Sun.