7) 街边摊,我来啦!!!
行李箱这次把王沺裁拉上街 ——街边小贩人数介于20多万到 50万之间,在这个快速创造巨额财富的梦想之都,以各自的拿手绝活喂饱白领蓝领、学生主妇和律师头家。沺裁这回要帮小贩大哥做美味的路边三明治,还要帮忙售卖给各路人客。在车声人声中做生意,万一 “地牛” 跑来搅局,手忙脚乱该怎么办?沺裁尝试做个大都会的底层人,体验摊贩大哥的生活,通过他们刻苦奋斗的故事,去了解这座承载着千万印度人梦想的城市。
7) Street Food, Here I Come!
In this episode, LUGGAGE takes Thomas Ong to the streets. In this city of dreams and fast fortune wonders, estimates put the number of street food vendors between 200 thousand and 500 thousand, each with their own unique recipe to feed people from all walks of life, including white collars, blue collars, students, housewives, lawyers and bosses. Thomas is tasked to help a vendor make delicious sandwiches and sell them to passers-by. But what if the law enforcement officer comes and he can’t cope up? Thomas experiences the life of an underclass in a mega city through the work of a street vendor, and by witnessing their struggles, gain a better understanding of this city supporting the dreams of millions of Indians.
8) 为你建个家
2013年 11月9 日,菲律宾遭受了史上最强台风 ——海燕的侵袭,导致至少6300人死亡,灾区基础设施大面积被毁,数百万人流离失所。台风一年后,灾后重建进展缓慢,不少灾民仍在临时建筑中栖身,栖身于帐篷、简陋小屋以及其他临时避难所中。这一集,王沺裁将深入重灾区,感受灾民住在临时设施的滋味。原本只能用几个月的帐篷却足足撑了一年,怎么抵挡年底的雨季以及还会再来的台风?水电一直成问题,心灵创伤不能愈合,沺裁如何施展力量,帮助灾民,再找到安定的家?
8) Build a home for you.
On November 9th, the Philippines was struck by Super Typhoon Haiyan, the strongest recorded typhoon ever, causing at least 6,300 deaths. Infrastructure in the affected areas was mostly wiped out, and millions of people lost their homes. One year after the disaster, the rebuilding progress is struggling to cope up, with much of the victims taking shelter in tents, shabby cabins, and other temporary sanctuaries. In this episode, Thomas Ong will go deep into the harder-hit areas to experience life in a temporary shelter. Living in tents meant to be used for months instead of lasting over a year, how could they make it through the rainy season and another typhoon? With their trauma barely healed, and the lack of water and electric supplies, how can Thomas help the victims to find a stable home of their own?