3) 原住民荒地求生记
这回,行李箱将王沺裁带到南澳最大的山脉,早年曾吸引洋人来此畜牧,结果大大破坏了生态环境,也不可扭转地改变了原住民的生活方式。沺裁将在原住民的教导下学习旱地求生的古老智慧。一眼望去风沙滚滚的贫瘠土地,哪里有得吃?在沙漠寻找水源,要怎么看蛛丝马迹?不毛之地到底有什么宝贝 ?这地方到现在都还是与世隔绝,沺裁只能硬着头皮,跟紧原住民古老而陌生的脚步,做到绝境逢生 !
3) Survival in the Wilderness
LUGGAGE takes Thomas Ong to the largest mountain range in South Australia, an eco-system that had been damaged by western animal herders thus permanently changing the way of life for the aboriginals. Under the teachings of an aboriginal, Thomas learns how to hunt food in barren land and find water by taking notice of subtle clues. What treasures lie beneath the desert? In this derelict land, Thomas has no choice but to follow the unfamiliar steps of the aboriginals to survive.
4) 再见,海马!
这一集,王沺裁参加马来西亚环保团队和谷歌合作的 Trekker全景拍摄计划,划皮艇摄录大马两千公里的海岸风景。马来西亚多年来力求发展,生态和经济之间的矛盾异常尖锐。王沺裁到柔佛新山划皮艇,更深深体会到这一点。蒲莱河口曾拥有全世界最巨型的海草之一,其中黄金海马是海床里最珍贵的生物。然而那里正如火如荼进行填海,沺裁是否抢得及记录它最后的美丽 ? 最早的海上原住民史明达族本来就放不下海洋,新山的船运工业和沿海发展又逼得他们无处容身。沺裁从海上看柔佛,一路发掘鲜为人知的彼岸故事。
4) Farewell Seahorse!
In this episode, Thomas Ong takes part in Google’s Trekker Loan Programme in collaboration with a Malaysian environmental Group. Their goal: To kayak through a 2000-kilometer coastal line to capture the fading scenery. As Malaysia strives for development, conflict between economic growth and environmental preservation has been increasing. Thomas gains a deeper understanding of this as he kayaks in the River of Pulai in Johor Bahru. Once having one of the world’s largest seaweed, it is home to the Yellow Seahorse. But as projects of land reclamation are pushes ahead, does Thomas have enough time to record its beauty? At the same time, the earliest human inhabitants of the sea, the Orange Seletar, are being forced to abandon their homes by the development of the coastal industries. Gazing Johor Bahru from the sea, Thomas explores the less-known story at the opposite shores.