《分手快乐/Let It Go》分集剧情简介第1-13全集大结局
The four of them are caught in a love rectangle… In the end would it prevail happiness through letting it go or holding onto tightly to each other?
梁语嫣(Yan Neo):欧萱
33岁。美女。时尚。单身。知名博客 (blogger) 。为人重义气,嘴硬心软。与母亲分开住,有两个哥哥,父亲早逝。因在坎坷爱情路上无数次受伤后,而变得‘强悍’,久病成医,每一次分手,让她变得更懂得保护自己,却也导致她渐渐对爱情失去了信任和信心。一直养着第5任男友留给自己的可爱龙猫,潜意识期待着男友有日会回来找自己。
Yan Neo: Jeanette Aw
A fashionable 33-year-old single blogger, Yan Neo is known for explicitly baring her breakup experiences and shaming her exes online. Tough on the ouside, soft on the inside, Yan is fiercely loyal to her loved ones. She appears to be emotionally stronger after each breakup but her confidence in relationships dwindles. She keeps a Chinchilla, a gift from that special ex-boyfriend, in the hope that he would come back for her one day.
周光明(Mark Chow):黄俊雄
Mark Chow: Elvin Ng
An emotionally unavailable bachelor, Mark Chow is a 35-year-old freelance photographer; Mark is a man of few words and has a strong sense of integrity. He is born in a well-off family and his parents are kind and loving. He is faithful when it comes to love. He is good in taking black and white photographs, which is a reflection of his own personality; he sees things in black and white. Mark is unable to move on his first love because there was no proper closure to it. Mark learns to let go the pain and move on from his first love after he meets Yan.
文雄强(阿Man): 苏智诚
35岁,男。知名化妆师。自称Sensitive New Age Guy。敏感、多情爱哭。不惜穷一生,寻找自己柏拉图的爱侣。来自马国。出身贫寒,由母亲带大,家里兄弟姐妹多。孤身寡人来新加坡闯出了名堂。与Yan同一屋檐下,是无所不谈的BFF男闺蜜。比女人爱美。深信男人可以MAN得很温柔。热爱自己的工作,觉得眼线是他当化妆师的自尊,却不知道其中也包含着他不敢以‘真面目示人’的自卑。