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《吉人天相/A Blessed Life》分集剧情介绍第1-8全集大结局

作者:九悦网剧情  时间:2014-12-31 10:15:20

Consequently, Daji and Youguo start to look for two of the latter’s former bandmates, and discover that Lin Zhigang is residing abroad. That leaves Fang Shaohua, a successful businessman who is too busy even to take a break. It comes as no surprise then that he is unwilling to join them in the crazy endeavour, and flatly declines their invitation.

The search for a performing venue sees Daji running around seeking favours from people. Eventually, he meets Jiexi once again. Jiexi’s new boyfriend is the manager of a small theatre. Out of appreciation that Daji has forgiven Jiexi, he finally agrees to let him use the venue.

Despite failing to get all the former band members together, Daji persists in making the performance a reality no matter what it takes. After much persuasion and manipulation on Daji’s part, Shaohua is eventually convinced and approaches Daji to be included in the band. Zhigang also returns from abroad in the nick of time.

All four finally realise the dream in their youth by performing on stage and singing their hearts out.

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