“ Xiji” was a traditional Teochew pastry shop in the 40s. Business was brisk, thanks to founder Lian Xue Geng’s good business acumen and son Lian Wen Ding’s talent baking skills. In 2014, “Xiji”is being run by Daxi and ShuangXi, the fourth generation Lian brothers but business is bleak. By a twist of fate, WenDing travels through time into the present…
WenDing thought career woman She Mei Ren was his love from the 40s, Xiao Mei, causing her to mistake him as a pervert. With much difficulty, he finally reached “Xiji”. He introduces himself to the Lian brothers as their ancestors, leading the brothers to think of him as one with mental problems. However, Daxi discovers that WenDing has flair in baking and hires him.
Everyone is getting ready to prepare the pastries, only to find the machine has broken down. Daxi and ShuangXi are worried that they cannot deliver their orders in time. WenDing suggests that these orders can be made manually and mentioned that there were two big wooden pounders in “Xiji” in the past. After a tedious search, Daxi found the pounders. The three of them worked through the night and finally managed to deliver the orders on time.