

  Anthony面对女友和工作压力,眼看案情毫无进展,让他苦恼不已。‘Sam’再次出现,提醒Anthony剧团里的人都是演员,他所看到的一切,也许只是一场演出; Anthony顿有所悟,就在他快找出破案的新线索时,突遭人袭击,昏了过去…。

  Anthony feels stressed out by his relationship problems as well as the pressure to crack the case. Under such immerse pressure, he starts “seeing” Sam images again.  Sam reminds him that everyone in the theatre is an actor. Just when Anthony thinks he has a possible enlightenment to crack his case, somebody knocks him unconscious.


  遇袭的Anthony不但跟丢了凶手,还接获女友发给自己的分手简讯。Anthony气愤前往彩排现场揪着助理Coco和技工海叔质问,反激怒了慧如,将他痛骂一顿。事后, Anthony更遭上司终止其侦查任务!

  Anthony wakes up from his attack to receive a “break up” text from his girlfriend. Fuming that he has lost his lead, he marches up to Coco and Hai Shu to demand for an explanation as he thinks they were the attackers. Huiru is unhappy with Anthony for his assumption. Later, Anthony receives a call from his boss reprimanding him for not solving the case.



  Just like Anthony, Huiru too receives a rejection via SMS (from her sponsor).  Feeling sympathetic for each other; both starts to encourage one another not to give up. Sam image continues to appear in Anthony’s mind and urges him not to give up the case. While watching the rehearsal, Anthony suddenly receives an inspiration and dashes on stage to demonstrate a scene while the rest of the crew watches in astonishment.



  Anthony is suspicious of Coco and decides to confront her. An argument breaks out between them and Anthony accidentally breaks Huiru’s trophy. Anthony feels bad about it and decides to fix the broken trophy. When he’s about done, he discovers an important lead to the case.


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