

电视剧《96°C 咖啡/96度C咖啡》剧情分集介绍:第二集剧情



  基于心理上的障碍,舒亭害怕和男生有任何肌肤的触碰,但是舒亭暗恋学长子维已久,看见心仪的学长也来到了96度C, 舒亭感到既惊喜又害羞。雨晨知道舒亭喜欢子维,便“教唆”舒亭如何引起子维的注意, 岂知弄巧反拙。 立乔直接告诉雨晨她帮助好友的方法有欠妥当,让雨晨觉得这位老板爱说教,而舒亭为自己在子维的面前表现的胆怯和笨拙感到尴尬和亏欠。 晚间雨晨到舒亭家过夜,赫然发现舒亭的父亲没敲门就擅自进入舒亭的卧室,让雨晨感到不解。

  Episode 2

  Liqiao decided to hire a full-timer to help him out at 96 Degrees Cafe.  (22 years old), a final year fine arts student, responds to the ad and goes to the interview with her school mate Yuchen (22 years old). Yuchen does not know much about coffee and leaves little impression on Liqiao. Instead, it was Shuting who turns out to be well-versed in coffee culture, but she had no intention of taking on a holiday job. Yuchen insists that Liqiao hires him and she will prove him wrong about her lack of knowledge and abilities.

  On her first day at work, Yuchen is told by Liqiao that no matter how packed the cafe is, the table has to be reserved for his wife Xijie. At the same time, Yuchen and Liqiao discover that Shuting seems to suffer from a somewhat unusual condition - she is afraid of close physical contact with members of the opposite sex. Even though she has a liking for her senior, Ziwei, who is a regular customer at 96 Degrees Cafe, she avoids any form of physical contact with him at all costs. Yuchen is adamant on helping her friend and Liqiao advises her to find the root cause of her condition instead of throwing random and absurd challenges at Yuchen.

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