
电视剧《好运到/It's A Wonderful Life》分集介绍:第13集剧情

  辉先送花给Amy,Amy很高兴,却故意刁难辉先。辉先一反常态,对Amy千依百顺。Amy开心地捧着花回家,被May 看见,May告诉她,辉先送的花是拜过神的。Amy气得七窍生烟,大骂辉先死性不改,辉先百口莫辩。

  Hui Xian gives Amy flowers。 She is elated but deliberately gives him a hard time。 He is unusually submissive and accepts her scolding。 Amy happily carries the flowers home and is seen by May。 May tells her that they were in fact recycled offerings to the gods。 Amy is furious at Hui Xian, and he is unable to defend himself。

电视剧《好运到/It's A Wonderful Life》分集介绍:第14集剧情


  Hui Xian wants to get back into Amy’s good books, and buys her a gold bracelet。 He hides it in a discarded purse and bids her to check it carefully。 Amy later bumps into Wen Xiang, who tells her the purse was actually discarded by her just now。 Amy is furious at Hui Xian and throws the purse away in a fit。

电视剧《好运到/It's A Wonderful Life》分集介绍:第15集剧情


  Isabella wakes up to discover that Wen Xiang only kept her own clothes, leaving Isabella’s out in the rain。 When she confronts her, Wen Xiang blames her for not caring about her arm injury。 The two have a fight and their relationship worsens。

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