
电视剧千方百计/Game Plan剧情介绍:第10集剧情


  Haoren informs Jian Shu to save Chengkun from the hospital. Jian Shu was discovered by Xiao Zhong when he reach there. Xiao Zhong ties up Jian Shu in the room but Haoren appears and rescues Chengkun. At the same time, Haoren creates a scene which tricks Xiao Zhong into thinking he killed Chengkun himself.

电视剧千方百计/Game Plan剧情介绍:第11集剧情


  Mo Yan told Keli that she had liked Hao Ren all this while when they were having drinks together. It turns out that Mo Yan ran away from home years ago when her mum was ill treated by the organization’s chief. On her 18th birthday, she felts lonely and that was when Hao Ren turned up with a cake to celebrate her birthday with her. From then one, Mo Yan grew to like Hao Ren.

电视剧千方百计/Game Plan剧情介绍:第12集剧情


  Mo Yan brought up the old times when she blamed herself for causing the rift between Xing Tong and Hao Ren but Hao Ren prefers to leave it unmentioned. Xing Tong was despondent when she saw how close Ma Yan and Hao Ren are and Shi Yun urged Xing Tong to fight for the person she fancies. It is then Xing Tong starts to have a headache.

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